The Nakata-Strange Classification System

as employed at Northeastern Illinois University

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Department of Energy and Natural Resources

List of titles published by this agency:

Titles in italics are not in the NEIU catalog. Titles in small caps are monographic series; titles within this series may be listed below. Titles where the OCLC number is known are linked to WorldCat search.

NR 1.1: Annual report /
NR 1.1: Annual report /
NR 1.1/2: State of Illinois, consolidated building energy reporting system : CBERS II : [annual report].
NR 1.1/3: Local government energy assistance programs annual report.
NR 1.15:980 Waste Oil Management Conference : [proceedings].
NR 1.2:A 35 Licensing and regulatory requirements for alcohol fuel plants in Illinois.
NR 1.2:A 912 1991 audio-visual catalog.
NR 1.2:B 679 Boiler efficiency improvement manual : energy-saving techniques for boiler operators and owners /
NR 1.2:B 712 Overview of the 1980 alternative energy bond fund projects.
NR 1.2:B 93 Building energy audit workbook : institutional conservation program, Title III, Public Law 95-619.
NR 1.2:B 932 Local government building energy audit forms, adapted from Contract Research Corporation's School energy audit
NR 1.2:C 456/ The changing Illinois environment : critical trends : technical report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project.
NR 1.2:C 456/ex.sum. The Changing Illinois environment : critical trends : executive summary of the Critical Trends Assessment Project.
NR 1.2:C 456/SUM. The Changing Illinois environment : critical trends : summary report of the Critical Trends Assessment Project.
NR 1.2:C 65 Coal-derived fuels in Illinois feasibility study : State of Illinois PL 96-126 proposal resource/technology area, A. Coal liquids
NR 1.2:C 652 Illinois Coal Bond Fund.
NR 1.2:C 652/2 Illinois coal mining costs /
NR 1.2:C 73 State of Illinois commercial & industrial energy efficiency programs.
NR 1.2:C 734 Commissioner selection and qualification. Public representation and participation.
NR 1.2:C 755 Project Conserve questionnaire
NR 1.2:C 755/2 156 ways to save energy that also save you money.
NR 1.2:C 755/3 Project Conserve in Illinois.
NR 1.2:C 755/4 Illinois energy conservation plan report, 1979 revision.
NR 1.2:C 755/4/980 Illinois energy conservation plan report : 1980 revision /
NR 1.2:C 755/5 Illinois state plan : Institutional conservation program (amended)
NR 1.2:C 758 Illinois energy consumption, 1963-1977 /
NR 1.2:C 758/4 Illinois energy consumption statistical report, 1970-1979.
NR 1.2:C 758/960-2000 Illinois energy consumption trends, 1960-2000.
NR 1.2:C 758/960-78 Illinois energy consumption statistical report 1960-1978
NR 1.2:D 29 Decatur, Illinois ridesharing campaign evaluation : final report
NR 1.2:E 53 Local contingency planning [conference]
NR 1.2:E 55 The Employee transportation coordinator : your ticket to a new position /
NR 1.2:E 56 Winter energy outlook : a report on the adequacy of fuel supplies for winter 1978-79
NR 1.2:E 56/10 Illinois energy programs summary : 1981.
NR 1.2:E 56/11/ Illinois energy plan /
NR 1.2:E 56/11/ Illinois energy plan /
NR 1.2:E 56/12 Illinois energy efficient homes for the 80's.
NR 1.2:E 56/14 Commercial energy audits : the Illinois survey : attitudes and opinions from the Illinois business community
NR 1.2:E 56/15/ Alternative energy in the Midwest : research and applications : conference proceedings, February 21-23, 1985, Schaumburg, Illinois /
NR 1.2:E 56/16 The energy savings plan : a free benefit for your employees.
NR 1.2:E 56/2 Energy for Illinois : alternative energy development program.
NR 1.2:E 56/3 The 1980 Illinois energy extension service plan.
NR 1.2:E 56/4/ Energyplex feasibility study : in response to Department of Energy Program Solicitation no. DE-PA01-80RA50185
NR 1.2:E 56/5 Illinois residential energy efficiency index
NR 1.2:E 56/7/ Major energy programs accomplishments : [annual report]
NR 1.2:E 56/8/ Illinois energy plan : staff working paper.
NR 1.2:E 56/9 Illinois energy plan staff working paper : the value of energy conservation, a local perspective.
NR 1.2:E 61 Think green! : a retailers environmental idea book.
NR 1.2:E 84 Opportunities for ethanol - gasohol research in Illinois.
NR 1.2:E 84/4/ Statewide feasibility study of ethanol from biomass in Illinois : State of Illinois PL 96-126 proposal resource/technology area I, Biomass
NR 1.2:E 84/5 Conversion of spark-ignited engines to neat ethanol use.
NR 1.2:E 84/6 An Overview of Illinois ethanol production and gasohol sales.
NR 1.2:E 84/7 Utilization of carbon dioxide as a by-product of ethanol production.
NR 1.2:E 92 Project Evanston completion report : a Community Energy Management Planning Assistance (CEMPA) Program.
NR 1.2:F 953 Illinois synthetic fuels facilities siting survey : Perry County /
NR 1.2:G 24/2 Common questions about gasohol.
NR 1.2:G 24/draft Gasoline conservation plan : April 22, 1980 : draft / prepared by Office of Policy and Planning
NR 1.2:G 654 Technical and economic review : B.F. Goodrich Henry Plant circulating fluidized bed demonstration : recommendation for funding.
NR 1.2:G 882 A Groundwater monitoring network for Illinois.
NR 1.2:G 882/2 Groundwater protection by local government /
NR 1.2:H 765 More for your money : home energy savings
NR 1.2:H 828 Hospital building energy audit forms : adapted from Contract Research Corporation's School energy audit
NR 1.2:I 59 Illinois state plan : energy conservation in institutions : institutional buildings grant program
NR 1.2:K 48 KILnGAS demonstration project technical assessment study : final report.
NR 1.2:L 253 Land treatment using plant-soil ecosystems to purify wastewater and recycle resources.
NR 1.2:L 256 Statewide landfill inventory : progress report
NR 1.2:L 26 Illinois Landsat feasibility study
NR 1.2:L 724 Lighting efficiency for better energy cost control : guidelines for lighting standards and low cost strategies for efficient use of lighting in Illinois state buildings /
NR 1.2:L 755/5 Energy conservation! What's happening in the Mid-west universities? : research report
NR 1.2:M 482/FLOOD Meanderings '94 /
NR 1.2:M 482/IL Meanderings '94 /
NR 1.2:M 482/ILL./993 Meanderings '93 /
NR 1.2:M 482/ILRIVER Meanderings '92 /
NR 1.2:M 482/LOWERMISS. Meanderings '92 /
NR 1.2:M 482/MISS./993 Meanderings '93 /
NR 1.2:M 482/TRIB. Meanderings '92 /
NR 1.2:M 482/TRIB./993 Meanderings '93 /
NR 1.2:M 482/U.S. Meanderings '94 /
NR 1.2:M 482/UPPERMISS. Meanderings '92 /
NR 1.2:M 642 How to get better mileage from your car.
NR 1.2:M 961 Multi-family housing : energy conservation workbook.
NR 1.2:N 285 Natural gas deregulation : its impact on Illinois and the Midwest : proceedings of the eleventh annual Illinois Energy Conference : Americana-Congress Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, October 13-14, 1983.
NR 1.2:O 39 Wanted, used oil.
NR 1.2:O 39/2 Used oil: a nuisance or a resource? : ?the choice is yours
NR 1.2:P 49 Illinois petroleum shortage response plan : non-transportation related measures
NR 1.2:P 49/2 Illinois petroleum shortage response plan
NR 1.2:P 49/3/ Petroleum shortage response program for the State of Illinois
NR 1.2:P 777 Technical considerations relating to the siting of new regional pollution control facilities : a report to General Assembly, Governor, and Pollution Control Board.
NR 1.2:P 96 Proceedings of the ... annual Illinois Energy Conference.
NR 1.2:P 963 Illinois energy production, 1960-1977 /
NR 1.2:P 963/960-78 Illinois energy production statistical report, 1960-1978 /
NR 1.2:P 963/960-79 Illinois energy production : statistical report, 1960-1979.
NR 1.2:P 9765 Public care institutions : building energy audit forms : adapted from Contract Research Corporation's School energy audit /
NR 1.2:R 311 Investigation recycle! : activities, trivia.
NR 1.2:R 433 Illinois residential energy efficiency index
NR 1.2:R 435 Financial assistance for Illinois resource recovery project development.
NR 1.2:S 37 Energy conservation in schools : first year of operation, a progress report.
NR 1.2:S 37/2 K-14 school building energy audit workbook : institutional conservation program, Title III, Public Law 95-619.
NR 1.2:S 684 Illinois solar energy directory /
NR 1.2:S 684/2 Did you know you have a solar energy expert in your neighborhood?.
NR 1.2:S 684/3 Solar energy program opportunity notice : 1981 alternative energy bond fund program.
NR 1.2:S 684/4 F-chart handbook : active solar system sizing and economic analysis program.
NR 1.2:S 684/5 Do-it-yourself low cost solar hot air collector design book.
NR 1.2:S 74 Speakers and consultants : listing by area of expertise
NR 1.2:S 74/2 Summary report /
NR 1.2:S 959 Siting the superconducting super collider in Illinois : a report to Governor James R. Thomspson and members of the 84th General Assembly.
NR 1.2:S 992 Synthetic fuels : how will Illinois fare?.
NR 1.2:T 77 Introducing vanpooling.
NR 1.2:U 58 University and college building energy audit forms, adapted from Contract Research Corporation's School energy audit
NR 1.2:U 89 Final report to the governor, March 1984 /
NR 1.2:W 32/2/ Final report on special waste categorization study to Hazardous Waste Research and Information Center, State Water Survey Division /
NR 1.2:W 324 Sealing abandoned water wells : a campaign primer.
NR 1.3: Document
NR 1.3:78/03 The economic impact of proposed forging noise regulations (R76-14, -19)
NR 1.3:78/12 The economic impact analysis of effluent standards for total dissolved solids
NR 1.3:78/19 Advisory report on the potential health effects of leaf burning
NR 1.3:78/27 Used oil recycling in Illinois : a review and public policy analysis
NR 1.3:78/30 Economic impact of the proposed change in the hydrocarbon emission limitation for petrochemical manufacturing processes (R77-3)
NR 1.3:78/31 Economic impact of a suspension of rule 404(f) as it applies to an unnamed tributary of the Kishwaukee River (R77-8)
NR 1.3:78/33 Coal mine water pollution legal and regulatory issues : a survey
NR 1.3:78/34 Used oil recycling in Illinois : data book
NR 1.3:78/35 Oil audit and reuse manual for the industrial plant
NR 1.3:78/36 Economic impact of removing numerical limits on sound emissions to class C land, R76-19
NR 1.3:79/01 Economic impact of incorporating RACT 1 guidelines for VOC emissions into the Illinois air pollution control regulations, (R78-3 and R-78-4)
NR 1.3:79/02 Statistical analysis of blast emission records from quarrying, mining, and construction operations in the State of Illinois
NR 1.3:79/03 Decision analysis and environmental regulations
NR 1.3:79/04 Economic impact studies : the second year in review
NR 1.3:79/05 Economic impact of prohibiting landfill development within 2000 feet of public schools
NR 1.3:79/06 The economic impact of proposed regulations to reduce particulate emissions from steel mills and industrial fugitive sources, R 78-10 and R 78-11
NR 1.3:79/07 Economic impact of allowing open burning in disaster areas, R78-2
NR 1.3:79/08 The economic impact of proposed amendments to chapter 4, mine-related pollution (R76-20 and R77-10)
NR 1.3:79/09 Modeling the impacts of transportation systems management on vehicle emissions : phase I report
NR 1.3:79/10 Economic impact of requiring maintenance/malfunction plans for air pollution control equipment, R79-3
NR 1.3:79/11 Economic impact analysis of constraints on particulate control equipment replacements, R79-3
NR 1.3:79/12 Economic impact of changing the copper effluent standard, R76-21
NR 1.3:79/14 Economic impact of changing the carbon monoxide emission limitations for steel mills, R78-1
NR 1.3:79/15 Economic impact of changing emission standards for explosive waste incinerators, R78-9
NR 1.3:79/16 The effects of fertilizer made from flue gas and fly ash on selected crops and soils
NR 1.3:79/17 The Momence Wetlands of the Kankakee River in Illinois : an assessment of their value : a descriptive and economic approach to the appraisal of natural ecosystem function
NR 1.3:79/18 Some aspects of natural vegetation establishment on abandoned underground coal mine refuse areas in Illinois
NR 1.3:79/19 Environmental benefits assessment in economic impact studies : a review
NR 1.3:79/20 Proceedings of a workshop on alternative wastewater treatment systems : at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 12-13, 1979 /
NR 1.3:79/21 Identification of sources causing TSP non-attainment : analysis of historical high-volume filters, Decatur and Quad Cities areas
NR 1.3:79/22 Economic impact of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter regulations in Illinois, R77-15
NR 1.3:79/24 Environmental regulations and other factors influencing industrial plant migrations
NR 1.3:79/25 Report and recommendations : conference developed under the auspices of the Environmental Education Association of Illinois
NR 1.3:79/26 Economic impact analysis of proposed change in Illinois deoxygenating regulations, R77-12, docket C
NR 1.3:79/27 Health effects of ozone and other photochemical oxidants in the Chicago area /
NR 1.3:79/28 Health effects of SO₂ and sulfates
NR 1.3:79/29 Decision analysis for abandoned mine reclamation site selection and planning : a report
NR 1.3:79/30 The Powerplant and industrial fuel use act of 1978 : its impact on Illinois
NR 1.3:79/32 Hazardous wastes management in Illinois /
NR 1.3:79/33 Coal & Illinois industry : the impact of the national energy acts of 1978 : conference proceedings of May 9-10, 1979 at the Conrad Hilton, Chicago, Illinois /
NR 1.3:79/35 Evaluation of existing data on discharges from active coal mines in Illinois
NR 1.3:79/37 Respirable particulate matter characteristics in Chicago, 1954 to the present /
NR 1.3:79/38 Investigation of the gas content of coal seams in the vicinity of Charleston, Illinois
NR 1.3:79/39 Economic impact of the chlorination of public water supplies, R78-8
NR 1.3:79/40 Geographic distribution of cancer in Illinois /
NR 1.3:79/41 A report on pesticide use and regulatory programs in Illinois /
NR 1.3:79/42 Health effects of chlordane
NR 1.3:80/02 Economic impact of a proposed change in lead effluent standards
NR 1.3:80/03 Estimating your soil erosion losses with the universal soil loss equation
NR 1.3:80/04 Economic impact of the proposed averaging rule, R76-21
NR 1.3:80/05 Economic impact of a suspension of rule 203 as it applies to an unnamed tributary of the Vermilion River, Vermilion County, Illinois
NR 1.3:80/06 Technical and economic review of control methods for total dissolved solids, sulfates, chlorides, iron, and manganese
NR 1.3:80/07 Dollar, energy, and labor cost differential--leaded vs. unleaded gasoline : a quantitative approach
NR 1.3:80/08 Economic impact of proposed amendments to snowmobile noise regulations, R79-10
NR 1.3:80/09 Problem sites : surface-mined lands in Illinois
NR 1.3:80/11 Energy and labor cost of alternative coal-electric fuel cycles
NR 1.3:80/12 Identification of sources causing TSP non-attainment in the Peoria area : analysis of historical high-volume filters
NR 1.3:80/14 Some physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of non-problem waters occurring on lands surface-mined for coal
NR 1.3:80/16 The economic impacts of proposed regulations for mandatory deposits on beverage containers in Illinois, R71-24 and R75-14
NR 1.3:80/17 Ecological comparison of intermittent streams in different land use patterns in northeastern Illinois /
NR 1.3:80/18 Aquaculture, opportunities for an expanded industry in Illinois /
NR 1.3:80/19 On-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems (environmental and health effects) /
NR 1.3:80/20A Illinois forest resources : opportunity for total management
NR 1.3:80/20B Illinois forest resources opportunity for total management : executive summary
NR 1.3:80/21 Energy accounts for urban truck freight movements in the Chicago region
NR 1.3:80/22 Illinois biomass resources : annual crops and residues, canning and food-processing wastes : preliminary assessment
NR 1.3:80/23 Illinois energy policy options for the 1980's /
NR 1.3:80/24 The Economic impact of proposed Regulation 79-11 to allow a relaxation of APC Rule 203(G) for particulate matter
NR 1.3:80/25 An economic analysis of effluent standards for BOD, ammonia, total suspended solids, and disinfection : case study of a modern treatment plant
NR 1.3:80/26 Governor's Conference on the Preservation of Agricultural Lands : conference proceedings of July 22-23, 1980, at Hilton Hotel, Springfield, Illinois
NR 1.3:80/27 Environmental and natural resources information catalog (ENRIC) : a feasibility study
NR 1.3:80/28 Pulmonary function study in Granite City, Illinois
NR 1.3:80/29 The Impact of sulphur dioxide regulations on the market for Illinois coal
NR 1.3:80/30 Small-scale hydropower development in Illinois : an implementation manual
NR 1.3:81/01 Illinois Institute of Natural Resources project list : January, 1981.
NR 1.3:81/02 Economic impact study of proposed airport noise regulations, R 77-4. Volume I : technical study of public airports outside Chicago /
NR 1.3:81/03 Inventory of potential small-scale hydropower sites in Illinois and selection of projects exhibiting potential for development : phase I report
NR 1.3:81/04 Economic impact of proposed extension of rule 702(e), Chapter 3, Illinois Pollution Control Board rules and regulations (R79-1)
NR 1.3:81/05 Phase II report : preliminary investigation of small-scale hydropower potential at five sites in Illinois
NR 1.3:81/06 Proceedings of a Round Table on Reclaiming and Managing Lakes in Illinois, October 10-11, 1980 /
NR 1.3:81/07 Assessment of non-traditional controls on ambient air quality /
NR 1.3:81/08 Economic impact of the revision of rule 204, sulfur dioxide emission limitations, R79-2
NR 1.3:81/09 Economic assessment of resources recovery and utilization from coal fines wastes
NR 1.3:81/10 Implications of expanding coal production for Illinois' transportation systems
NR 1.3:81/11 Economic impact of proposed airport noise regulations, R77-4. Volume II : economic analysis of public airports outside Chicago /
NR 1.3:81/12 Screening of pesticides and other toxic chemicals for potential adverse environmental effects in Illinois /
NR 1.3:81/13 A review of concentrations, chemical composition, size distribution and health effects related to inorganic inhalable particulates in Illinois /
NR 1.3:81/14 Health effects due to the cessation of chlorination of wastewater treatment plant effluents
NR 1.3:81/15 The economic analysis of health risks and the environmental assessment of revised fecal coliform effluent and water quality standards, R77-12 /
NR 1.3:81/16 Issues related to airport noise control in Illinois /
NR 1.3:81/17 Economic impact analysis of proposed changes in IPCB rules and regulations, chapter 2, rules 312 and 405, ozone and episode criteria, R80-11
NR 1.3:81/18 Economic impact of combined sewer overflow : regulation (rule 602) in Illinois
NR 1.3:81/19 Direct and indirect emissions production by urban truck movement in the Chicago region
NR 1.3:81/20 Illinois directory of environmental information /
NR 1.3:81/22 A description and evaluation of the Jackson County Action to Save Energy Program
NR 1.3:81/23 Economic impact of existing ammonia nitrogen water quality standard, IPCB chapter 3 rule 203(f)
NR 1.3:81/24 Prospects for the electric vehicle in the Chicago area, 1980-2000
NR 1.3:81/26 The prospect for controlled trading of air pollution rights in the metro-east area of Illinois
NR 1.3:81/27 Environmental impact and health effects of wastewater chlorination
NR 1.3:81/28 Effect of RACT II environmental controls in Illinois, R80-5
NR 1.3:81/29 Assessment of future economic tradeoffs between coal mining and agriculture /
NR 1.3:81/30 A Feasibility study of cancer surveillance in Illinois
NR 1.3:81/32 Testing models for estimating the impact of transportation system management on travel choices and vehicle emissions, phase II report
NR 1.3:81/33 Illinois wetlands : their value and management /
NR 1.3:81/34 Economic impact analysis program, the ... annual report
NR 1.3:81/35 Relative effects on stream biota of chlorine and ammonia occurring in secondary sewage
NR 1.3:81/36 Illinois synthetic fuels facilities siting survey /
NR 1.3:81/37 The Effects of sedimentation on aquatic life of the Kankakee River : quantitative studies and threatened, endangered, and rare species
NR 1.3:81/38 Economic impact study of proposed airport noise regulations, R77-4 . Volume III, technical study of public airports in Chicago /
NR 1.3:81/39 Economic impact study of proposed airport noise regulations, R77-4. Volume 4, economic analysis of O'Hare and Midway Airports /
NR 1.3:81/40 Screening of pesticides for potential adverse environmental effects in Illinois : laboratory model ecosystem evaluations of twenty-six new pesticides /
NR 1.3:82/02 Source contributions to TSP non-attainment for the Adams, Washington, and Cooley hi-vol sites in Chicago, Illinois /
NR 1.3:82/03 Source contributions to TSP non-attainment in East Moline and Milan, Illinois /
NR 1.3:82/05 Economic impact study of R81-11 trihalomethane standards for public water supplies
NR 1.3:82/06 Economic impact study of proposed IPCB amendments to water pollution regulations, R80-6
NR 1.3:82/07 Emissions of beryllium and mercury in Illinois /
NR 1.3:82/08 Economic impact analysis of combined sewer overflow regulations on East St. Louis, R81-12
NR 1.3:82/09 Creation of wetland habitats in northeastern Illinois /
NR 1.3:82/11 Economic impact of the proposed sulfur dioxide emission regulation, R80-22
NR 1.3:82/15 Illinois' agricultural water quality management programs : a status report : conference proceedings of April 13, 1982 at Department of Agriculture Auditorium, State Fairgrounds, Springfield, Illinois
NR 1.3:82/16 Economic balances of small scale ethanol from biomass operations
NR 1.3:82/17 How to run a community recycling center : a resource guide to low-technology recycling in Illinois /
NR 1.3:82/18 Local self-reliance : symposium VI, management of small lakes programs /
NR 1.3:82/19 The Economic impact of proposed regulation R81-19 for site-specific water pollution rules applicable to Citizens Utilities Company discharge to Lily Cache Creek
NR 1.3:82/20 The economic impact of proposed regulation R81-16 : review of major source construction and modification
NR 1.3:82/23 The Economic impact of section 21(H) of the Environmental Protection Act of the State of Illinois, proposed regulation R80-19 /
NR 1.3:83/01 Second Governor's Conference on the Protection of Illinois Farmland : conference proceedings of August 19, 1982 at Springfield Hilton Hotel, Springfield, Illinois.
NR 1.3:83/02 Analysis of selected problems related to transportation of Illinois coal /
NR 1.3:83/03 Economic impact assessment regarding R82-3 : a site specific exemption for the Alton Water Company
NR 1.3:83/04 The Economic impact of imposed regulation R81-18 : certification of waste disposal site owners and operators
NR 1.3:83/05 The Legal and regulatory environment for Illinois aquaculture /
NR 1.3:83/06 Motor freight planning for the Chicago region /
NR 1.3:83/08 The Economic impact of proposed regulation R81-25 : prohibition of chlorinated solvents in sanitary landfills
NR 1.3:83/09 The economic impact of proposed regulation R81-20 : alternative control strategies : bubble policy
NR 1.3:83/10 Illinois solar weather program
NR 1.3:83/11 Characterization of urban and rural inhalable particulates
NR 1.3:83/12 Comparison of inhalable particulate and total suspended particulate
NR 1.3:83/13 The Economic impact of proposed regulation R81-26 for a site-specific water pollution rule applicable to the John Deere Foundry discharge to Sugar Creek and tributaries
NR 1.3:83/14 Impact of stone quarry operations on particulate levels and comments
NR 1.3:83/16 Competition for water : can Illinois stay afloat? : proceedings of the 11th annual ENR Conference, September 20-21, 1982, Springfield, Illinois /
NR 1.3:83/17 Hazardous wastes in Illinois : an overview /
NR 1.3:83/20 The economic impact of proposed regulation R82-1 : remanded particulate regulations 203(g)(1) and 202(b)
NR 1.3:83/22 Airport noise in Illinois.
NR 1.3:83/23-A An Inventory of Court Creek Watershed characteristics that may relate to water quality in the watershed
NR 1.3:83/24 Relative effects of chlorine and ammonia from wastewater treatment facilities on stream biota
NR 1.3:83/25 A demonstration of airport noise impact mitigation /
NR 1.3:83/26 Hazardous waste in Ogle and Winnebago counties : potential risk via groundwater due to past and present activities /
NR 1.3:83/27 Airport noise and land use compatibility at downstate Illinois airports /
NR 1.3:83/28 Structure of the Illinois food economy : resource issues /
NR 1.3:83/29 Potential relaxation of Illinois sulfur dioxide regulations and source-specific emission limits and their effect on the use of Illinois coal
NR 1.3:83/30 The economic impact of proposed regulation R82-2, atomic radiation regulations
NR 1.3:83/32 The Economic impact of proposed regulation R82-14 : emissions of volatile organic material-RACT III.
NR 1.3:84/01 Planning guide for wastewater cluster systems in Illinois /
NR 1.3:84/02 Conference proceedings of November 9-10, 1983 at Holiday Inn East, Springfield, Illinois /
NR 1.3:84/04 Emission reduction banking experience in the United States and its applicability to Illinois
NR 1.3:84/05 Illinois climate : trends, impacts, and issues : proceedings of the 12th Annual ENR Conference, September 13-14, 1983, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois /
NR 1.3:84/06 Urban effects on water quality and quantity : conference proceedings of October 20 and 21, 1983, at Jumer's Castle Lodge, Urbana, Illinois /
NR 1.3:84/09 An investigation of a volatile organic chemical plume in northern Winnebago County, Illinois
NR 1.3:84/10 A pilot study of cancer surveillance in central Illinois /
NR 1.3:84/11 Economic impact study of proposed regulation R82-7 for site-specific water pollution rules applicable to the city of Alton, Illinois
NR 1.3:84/12 The siting puzzle : piecing together economic development and environmental quality : proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ENR Conference, September 13 and 14, 1984, Chicago, Illinois.
NR 1.3:85/01 The economic effects of underground mining upon land used for Illinois agriculture /
NR 1.3:85/02 Design of a statewide ground-water monitoring network for Illinois /
NR 1.3:94/07 A climate change action plan for Illinois : report of the Task Force on Global Climate Change.
NR 1.3:95/01 Derelict properties : scale and scope of an urban environmental problem /
NR 1.3/2: Document No. HW
NR 1.3/2:84/01 The Development of detailed characterization of liquid hazardous waste streams generated by Illinois industries /
NR 1.3/2:88/04 Pesticides and pest management : proceedings of the 16th ENR annual conference, November 12 and 13, 1987 /
NR 1.3/3: Document No. RE-EA (Economic Analysis)
NR 1.3/3:85/04 The economic impact of proposed regulation R84-22 : financial assurance for closure and post-closure care of waste disposal sites in Illinois /
NR 1.3/3:85/05 Status of the brine problem in Illinois
NR 1.3/3:85/07 Trade-off between local and federal funding for wastewater treatment facilities /
NR 1.3/3:86/05 The economic impact analysis of R84-29 mine-related water pollution regulations /
NR 1.3/3:86/10 Economic impact of proposed water quality and effluent standard amendments for water in the Sangamon River Basin
NR 1.3/3:86/13 Analysis of site specific rule changes /
NR 1.3/3:86/14 Risk assessment of exposure to radium and fluoride in Illinois public water supplies /
NR 1.3/3:87/06 Feasibility of tax incentives for purchases of recycling equipment or recycled products : final report /
NR 1.3/3:87/07 Recycling in Illinois : survey results and analysis /
NR 1.3/3:87/10 Economic impact study of proposed IPCB regulation sections 215.204 and 215.207 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:87/11 The Economic impact of the rotogravure and flexographic printing provisions of proposed regulation R85-21 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:87/12 Economics and feasibility of co-composting solid waste in McHenry County : final report /
NR 1.3/3:87/13 An Economic impact analysis of proposed amendments to public water supply regulations pending before the Illinois Pollution Control Board, R85-14 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:87/16 Research compendium on selected aspects of pesticides and pest management in Illinois /
NR 1.3/3:87/24 Assessment of wastewater disinfection technologies and regulatory strategies : final report /
NR 1.3/3:88/02 The economic impact of the proposed generic rule R86-18 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:88/06 Review of "economic impact studies" in pollution control regulation /
NR 1.3/3:88/08 Economic impact study of proposed site specific changes to water pollution regulations affecting the city of Tuscola, Douglas County, Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/3:88/09 An Economic impact study of petition for regulatory relief from phosphorus effluent limits, city of Pana : R84-44 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:88/10 The Economic impact of proposed site specific changes to water pollution regulation affecting Joliet, Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/3:88/18 Technology assessment of wastewater treatment alternatives for compliance with deoxygenating wastes effluent standards : final report /
NR 1.3/3:88/20 Financing alternatives for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control programs : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/02 An Economic impact study of proposed amendments to Illinois administrative code 604.203 and 605.104 of subtitle F, Public Water Supplies (Trihalomethanes) R84-12 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/03 An Economic analysis of proposed amendments to water pollution regulations phosphorus discharges R87-6 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/04 A taxonomy of the techniques of economic impact analysis : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/06 The Characterization of non-RCRA special waste : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/07 The Economic analysis of proposed site specific changes to water quality regulations affecting Borden Chemical Company.
NR 1.3/3:89/13 The Recycling planning and evaluation program documentation : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/14 Recycling grants in Illinois--a two-year review : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/16 Managing the waste stream : background information for planning source separation programs : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/18 Measuring the demand for environmental improvement : final report /
NR 1.3/3:89/21 The Economic impact of revised measurement methods for emissions of sulfur compounds, proposed regulations R87-31 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:90/02 Economic impact study of landfill regulations (R88-7) : final report /
NR 1.3/3:90/10 An Economic study on proposed IPCB regulation R86-9 : hazardous waste prohibitions : final report /
NR 1.3/3:90/13 Economic impact study of proposed cross connection regulations, R87-37 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:90/16 Impulse noise study /
NR 1.3/3:90/19 Economic impact study for proposed groundwater quality standards 35 IL Admin. Code 260 : final report /
NR 1.3/3:91/07 Economic impact study of regulations for activities within setback zones and regulated recharge areas (R89-5) : final report
NR 1.3/3:91/10 Proposed revisions to property-line-noise-source measurement procedures /
NR 1.3/3:92/02 Use and disposal of wastewater sludge in Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/3:92/09 Clearing the air, choosing the future : reducing highway vehicle emissions in the Chicago ozone nonattainment area : final report /
NR 1.3/3:93/02 The California LEV program and ethanol in Illinois : assessing the economic and environmental effects : final report /
NR 1.3/4: Document No. RE-AQ (Air Quality)
NR 1.3/4:86/01 Cogeneration market assessment : an evaluation of the technical potential for cogeneration in Illinois /
NR 1.3/4:86/15 A study estimating VOC emmissions from the Calumet sewage treatment plant in the Chicago area /
NR 1.3/4:87/21 Risk assessment of exposure to waterborne and airborne radon-222 in Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/4:87/22 A Total exposure and risk assessment for drinking water contaminated with volatile organic compounds : final report /
NR 1.3/4:88/14 Control of emissions from municipal solid waste incinerators : final report /
NR 1.3/4:88/17 Bacterial emissions from incineration of hospital waste : final report /
NR 1.3/4:88/23 A cost-effectiveness analysis of public education and incentive programs for controlling radon in the home : final report /
NR 1.3/4:89/05 An Air monitoring survey design for toxic air pollutants : final report /
NR 1.3/4:89/17 Illinois homeowner's guide to reduction of indoor radon : final report /
NR 1.3/4:90/05 An analysis of on-road remote sensing as a tool for automobile emissions control : final report /
NR 1.3/4:90/06 A toxic air pollutant inventory for the State of Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/4:90/14 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) recovery and source reduction study : final report /
NR 1.3/4:91/05 Mobile source emissions inventory development : final report /
NR 1.3/4:91/14 On-road carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon remote sensing in the Chicago area : final report /
NR 1.3/4:91/15 Remote sensing enhanced motor vehicle emissions control for pollution reduction in the Chicago metropolitan area : siting and issue analysis : final report /
NR 1.3/4:93/03 Designing effective intervention strategies for residential indoor air quality /
NR 1.3/5: Document No. RE-ER (Energy Resources)
NR 1.3/5:85/03 An historical perspective on Illinois coal resources and production, 1960-1984 /
NR 1.3/5:86/02 Rural energy use study for west-central Illinois
NR 1.3/5:88/11 Woody biomass energy resources of Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/5:89/10 The demand for energy in the Illinois coal market /
NR 1.3/5:89/10(AB) Abstract : the demand for energy in the Illinois coal market /
NR 1.3/5:89/11 Case studies of waste-to-energy facilities : final report /
NR 1.3/5:89/15 Secondary recovery of coal fines : an environmental and economic cost benefit analysis : final report /
NR 1.3/5:90/07 The transportation of Illinois coal /
NR 1.3/5:90/07(AB) Abstract : the transportation of Illinois coal /
NR 1.3/5:91/04 A Guide to indoor air quality for home weatherization practitioners : final report /
NR 1.3/6: Document No. RE-IP (Insect Pests)
NR 1.3/6:86/08 Pest and pesticide management in Illinois agriculture : status and policy options /
NR 1.3/6:88/21 Beauveria bassiana as a biological control agent of the corn rootworm : final report /
NR 1.3/6:90/20 Semiochemicals for controlling corn rootworm : final report /
NR 1.3/7: Document No. RE-EH (Environmental Health)
NR 1.3/7:86/06 Effect of physicochemical parameters on pesticide degradation /
NR 1.3/7:86/07 Integration of data sets pertaining to bald eagles and water fowl populations in Illinois /
NR 1.3/7:86/09 Optimal chelant/copper ratios for maximizing copper solubility in natural water using citric acid and triethanolamine /
NR 1.3/7:87/04 Ecotoxicology for Illinois : establishing the research agenda : proceedings and summary from a workshop held May 15-16, 1986
NR 1.3/7:89/22 Persistence and mobility of selected pesticides in loessial soils of Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/7:94/01 Indoor air quality and energy efficiency in state buildings : final report /
NR 1.3/7:94/06 The biological resources of Illinois caves and other subterranean environments : determination of the diversity, distribution, and status of the subterranean faunas of Illinois caves and how these faunas are related to groundwater quality /
NR 1.3/8: Document No. RE-WR (Water Resources)
NR 1.3/8:86/12 Feasibility of a central recovery facility for the metal finishing industry in Cook County
NR 1.3/8:86/16 The Influences of land uses and stream modifications on water quality in the streams of the Court Creek Watershed /
NR 1.3/8:87/14 Aeration characteristics of Starved Rock Dam Tainter Gate flow controls : final report /
NR 1.3/8:87/18 Wastes from water treatment plants : literature review, results of an Illinois survey, and effects of alum sludge application to cropland /
NR 1.3/8:88/07 Toward development of stream protection strategies for northeastern Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/8:88/15 Hydraulic investigation for the construction of artificial islands in Peoria Lake : final report /
NR 1.3/8:88/15(A) Appendices for Hydraulic investigation for the construction of artificial islands in Peoria Lake : final report /
NR 1.3/8:88/16 Arsenic contamination in east-central Illinois ground waters : final report /
NR 1.3/8:88/19 Guidelines for applying copper sulfate as an algicide : Lake Loami field study : final report /
NR 1.3/8:88/22 Lake dredging in Illinois and a preliminary assessment of pre-dredging conditions at Lake Springfield : final report /
NR 1.3/8:89/08 Septic system density and groundwater contamination in Illinois : a survey of state and local regulation : final report /
NR 1.3/8:89/09 The Illinois self-help consortium for water and wastewater projects : final report /
NR 1.3/8:89/12 Research analysis of local factors for implementation of stream protection strategy : final report /
NR 1.3/8:89/19 Mechanisms for stream corridor protection : final report /
NR 1.3/8:89/20 Programs for management of water withdrawals in Illinois : final report /
NR 1.3/8:90/09 Determination whether the causal agent for Mussel die-offs in the Mississippi River is of chemical or biological origin : final report /
NR 1.3/8:90/11 Stream yields from agricultural chemicals and feedlot runoff from an Illinois watershed : final report /
NR 1.3/8:90/15 Illinois streams natural resource assessment : operational framework /
NR 1.3/8:90/18 Citizen stream monitoring : a manual for Illinois /
NR 1.3/8:91/01/ Channelization of streams and rivers in Illinois : procedural review and selected case studies /
NR 1.3/8:91/12 Landscaping techniques and materials for urban Illinois stream corridors and wetland edges : final report /
NR 1.3/8:91/13 A guide to inventorying and managing forestry resources in small communities : final report /
NR 1.3/8:92/04 Erosion and sedimentation in the Illinois River basin : final report /
NR 1.3/8:92/05 An evaluation of streambank stabilization work on Richland Creek : final report /
NR 1.3/8:92/07 Identification of toxic substances in the upper Illinois River : final report /
NR 1.3/8:93/01 Source monitoring and evaluation of sediment inputs for Peoria Lake /
NR 1.3/9: Document No. RE-SP (Statewide Plan)
NR 1.3/9:86/11 Issues in utility resource planning.
NR 1.3/9:87/03 Rural electric generating and transmission cooperative Clinton impact study
NR 1.3/9:87/15 Cogeneration market assessment : phase II : an evaluation of the economic potential for cogeneration in Illinois /
NR 1.3/9:87/23 An empirical analysis of electricity wheeling in Illinois /
NR 1.3/9:89/01- The Illinois statewide electric utility plan /
NR 1.3/9:90/03- The Illinois statewide gas utility plan, 1990-2000 /
NR 1.3/9:91/02- Illinois statewide electric utility plan : optioning resources for the future, 1992-2012.
NR 1.3/9:91/08 Illinois statistical energy review.
NR 1.3/9:92/10- The Illinois statewide gas utility plan, 1993-2002 /
NR 1.3/9:94/02- Illinois statewide electric utility plan : part one, 1994-2014.
NR 1.3/10: Document No. RE-IS (Information Series)
NR 1.3/10:87/05 Electricity : Illinois : trends in electric utility sales, 1978-1985 /
NR 1.3/10:87/09 A Governor's conference on science and technology in Illinois : proceedings of the 15th annual ENR conference, September 3 and 4, 1986, Chicago, Illinois.
NR 1.3/10:89/03 Energy education resource directory : a guide to energy and natural resources materials for Illinois educators
NR 1.3/10:89/04 ENR library bookshelf. WorldCat
NR 1.3/10:90/01 ENR style manual, 1990.
NR 1.3/10:91/01 Finding the answers for Illinois energy & environmental needs.
NR 1.3/10:91/04 Directory of state energy office libraries.
NR 1.3/10:94/04 Publications list, January 1985 - August 1994.
NR 1.3/11: Document No. RE-CD (Coal Development)
NR 1.3/11:87/01 Summary report of successful demonstration of 125,000 pph pyropower circulating fluidized bed combustion boiler
NR 1.3/11:87/02 Test and evaluation period of 120,000 pph atmospheric fluidized bed combustion boiler with 3,5000 kw cogenerated electric power
NR 1.3/11:89/02 Marketability of Illinois coal to Korea and Japan : final report /
NR 1.3/11:90/01 Let's clear the air about Illinois coal : your guide to speakers from the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, Illinois Office of Coal Development and Marketing.
NR 1.3/11:91/01 Illinois coal fact sheet
NR 1.3/11:91/01/992 Illinois caol fact sheet
NR 1.3/11:91/03 Outlook for the Illinois coal industry, 1995-2000 /
NR 1.3/11:92/01 Outlook for the Illinois coal industry : report of the Illinois Coal Development Board.
NR 1.3/11:93/01 Outlook for the Illinois coal industry : report of the Illinois Coal Development Board /
NR 1.3/11:93/01(94 ES) Outlook for the Illinois coal industry, executive report : report of the Illinois Coal Development Board.
NR 1.3/11:93/01(94) Outlook for the Illinois coal industry : report of the Illinois Coal Development Board /
NR 1.3/12: Document No. RE-BE (Building Energy)
NR 1.3/12:87/02 Illinois state buildings energy expense study WorldCat
NR 1.3/12:87/03 State of Illinois, consolidated building energy reporting system : CBERS II : [annual report].
NR 1.3/13: Document No. RE-AE (Alternative Energy)
NR 1.3/13:86/01 Current alternative energy research and development in Illinois.
NR 1.3/13:87/01 Inventory of waste-to-energy facilities in Illinois /
NR 1.3/13:87/03 Combustion and performance characteristics of methanol plus higher alcohols in a spark ignition engine : final report /
NR 1.3/13:87/04 Integrated farm and ethanol production facility /
NR 1.3/13:87/05 Production of gluten and germ by ethanol fermentation of raw corn : final report /
NR 1.3/13:87/06 Alternative energy in the Midwest : research and applications : conference proceedings, March 19-20, 1987, Rosemont, Illinois /
NR 1.3/13:87/08 On-farm anaerobic digester and fuel alcohol plant : final repor t /
NR 1.3/13:87/09 The use of ethanol distillery by-products in aquaculture /
NR 1.3/13:87/09 The use of ethanol distillery by-products in aquaculture /
NR 1.3/13:88/01 An integrated biomass energy system for Illinois agriculture : final report /
NR 1.3/13:88/02 Inventory of biomass facilities in Illinois /
NR 1.3/13:89/03 Illinois alternative energy development program : project highlights.
NR 1.3/13:90/01 Demonstration of photovoltaic power source in remote applications : lighting, weather data gathering and public demonstration systems : Wildlife Prairie Park, Peoria, Illinois.
NR 1.3/13:91/01 PV-powered radio transmitter.
NR 1.3/13:91/02 PV-powered climate monitoring station.
NR 1.3/13:91/03 PV-powered pond aeration
NR 1.3/13:91/04 PV-powered remote lighting
NR 1.3/13:91/05 PV-powered mobile unit
NR 1.3/13:91/06 PV-powered water pumping
NR 1.3/13:91/07 Ethanol-powered diesel tractor.
NR 1.3/13:91/08 Prototype evaluation report : portable environmental gamma detector /
NR 1.3/13:92/01 Status of small power producers and interconnect practices in Illinois : preliminary report /
NR 1.3/13:92/02 Two-phase anaerobic digestion for enhanced stabilization and methanation of sewage sludge / Dupage County Dept. of Public Works : prepared for Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources.
NR 1.3/13:92/05 The Ethanol bus fleet demonstration program.
NR 1.3/13:92/06 The Ethanol heavy truck fleet demonstration program.
NR 1.3/13:92/07 Hydroelectric development on the Kankakee River /
NR 1.3/14: Document No. RE-PA
NR 1.3/14:88/01 Groundwater quality standards in other states : a survey report /
NR 1.3/14:88/05 IRAPP : preliminary evaluation of the Illinois Residential Affordable Payment Program /
NR 1.3/14:88/12 Guide to land treatment of municipal wastewater in Illinois /
NR 1.3/14:90/01 A study of Illinois farmers' attitudes and current farming practices /
NR 1.3/14:90/04 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) recovery and source reduction study : interim report
NR 1.3/14:90/08 The Illinois residential propane market : a report on the residential propane price spike and its effects on the citizens of Illinois.
NR 1.3/14:91/03 The residential energy assistance partnership program : 1989-1990 program winter evaluation /
NR 1.3/14:94/04 A survey of legal and regulatory influences on the development and use of water resources in Illinois in a context of global climate change
NR 1.3/15: Document No. RE-GI (Geographic Information)
NR 1.3/15:90/12 Illinois land report : Salem Township of Knox County : final [report], June 24, 1990.
NR 1.3/16: Document No. RE-EC (Energy Consumption)
NR 1.3/16:92/01 Assessment of energy cost reduction opportunities in state facilities /
NR 1.3/16:93/01 Recommendations to reduce energy consumption and costs in state facilities /
NR 1.3/17: Document No. RE-PR
NR 1.3/17:92/03 Illinois residential energy assistance : evaluation of the 1990-91 winter program /
NR 1.3/17:93/04 Illinois inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : 1990 /
NR 1.3/17:93/05 Residential energy costs and assistance in Illinois : evaluation of the 1991-92 winter program /
NR 1.3/17:93/05(94) Residential energy costs and assistance in Illinois : evaluation of the 1992-93 winter /
NR 1.4:82/01 Technical assistance analysis report forms and training manual.
NR 1.8:A 35 Illinois guide to alcohol fuel information : assistance, activities, regulations.
NR 1.8:B 93 CBERS II : State of Illinois Consolidated Building Energy Reporting System instruction manual.
NR 1.8:C755 Energy conservation for the Illinois home : Instructor's manual /
NR 1.8:E56 Energy conservation and utilization : a handbook for wastewater treatment plants in Illinois /
NR 1.8:G882 Groundwater, Illinois' buried treasure : education activity guide /
NR 1.8:H 437 Manual on heat recovery for schools and hospitals
NR 1.8:M266 Energy management guidebook for commercial and industrial facilities /
NR 1.8:M665 Illinois lands unsuitable for mining : a guidebook on getting involved in the petition process, Illinois' Geographic Information System.
NR 1.8:T 77 Vanpool implementation handbook
NR 1.9:979-80 Program opportunity notice
NR 1.11:979 Heating oil status report.
NR 1.12 Agricultural fuels status report
NR 1.12:979 Agricultural fuels status report.
NR 1.12:980 Illinois agricultural fuels status report, Spring 1980
NR 1.13 Grant-a-gram
NR 1.14: Illinois solar energy directory.
NR 1.14/2:980 Southern Illinois solar energy directory.
NR 1.14/3:980 Northern Illinois solar energy directory.
NR 1.14/4:980 Central Illinois solar energy directory.
NR 1.14/5:980 Chicago area solar energy directory.
NR 1.15 Waste Oil Management Conference : [proceedings].
NR 1.16 Illinois petroleum monitor : motor gasoline.
NR 1.16 Illinois petroleum monitor
NR 1.17: Illinois energy.
NR 1.18 Illinois quarterly fuels report.
NR 1.19:980 Illinois in the '80's--trends in natural resource management : proceedings of the ninth annual INR Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 25-26, 1980 /
NR 1.19/2:981 Illinois energy policy-- toward self reliance? : proceedings of the Tenth Annual ENR Conference, September 28-29, 1981, Chicago, Illinois
NR 1.19/2:985 A governor's conference on Lake Michigan--Illinois' Great Lake : protecting and developing a valuable natural resource : proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ENR Conference, September 26 and 27, 1985, Chicago, Illinois.
NR 1.20 Quarterly review of publications
NR 1.21: Illinois resources.
NR 1.22: Illinois land report - Document No. LR (Land Report)
NR 1.22:R 49 Illinois land report : Rice Lake Conservation Area.
NR 1.23: Current alternative energy research and development in Illinois.
NR 1.24:1/ Conceptual models of erosion and sedimentation in Illinois /
NR 1.24:2 Evaluation of underground injection of industrial waste in Illinois /
NR 1.25 Illinois state buildings energy expense study
NR 1.26: SSC : exploring the universe in Illinois.
NR 1.27: Illinois energy data review /
NR 1.28: Report of the Office of Coal Development and Marketing.
NR 1.29 Update
NR 1.30 ENR library bookshelf.
NR 1.31: ILEED newsletter.
NR 1.32: Illinois coal update.
NR 1.33: Sustainable agriculture demonstration grant program results.
NR 1.34 K.E.E.P.
NR 1.35 The Groundwater gazette.
NR 1.36 State buildings energy program newsletter.
NR 1.37 The RiverWatcher.
NR 2.2:E 56 Request for proposal (RFP) under the Community energy conservation grant awards program / issued by Energy Conservation Division, Illinois Institute of Natural Resources.
NR 2.2:E 56/2 Energy-saving tips for commercial/industrial housekeeping and security staff personnel.
NR 2.2:E 56/2/Span. Consejos para economizar energia para los porteros, serenos y guardias de seguridad.
NR 2.2:S 684/2 Let's look to the sun poster book : competition criteria
NR 2.9 Fact sheet
NR 2.10:979/5 Fuel status report, May 10, 1979. WorldCat
NR 3.2:S 684 Solar space heaters for low-income families
NR 3.2:T 255 Illinois appropriate technology project book
NR 4.1: Annual report, Division of Environmental Management.
NR 4.9 Quarterly review of publications
NR 5.2:G813 Illinois solar greenhouse compendium /
NR 5.9: The Illinois solar report.
NR 6.1 Annual report to the Governor and General Assembly
NR 6.1: Report of the Illinois Coal Research Board.
NR 7.2:A354 A Practical system for the use of alcohol in diesel engines : final report /
NR 7.2:C737 Landscape waste compost : distribution and marketing strategies for centralized municipal composting operations /
NR 7.2:H437 Heat extraction from the ANL research salt gradient solar pond /
NR 7.2:R 332 Rx for refuse : recycle, reuse, recover : a prescription for solid waste management in Illinois.
NR 7.2:R311/DOWNSTATE Directory of Illinois recycling centers, December 1987.
NR 7.6:C 737 Permit requirements for setting up a yard/landscape waste composting operation.
NR 7.8:B 615/989 Biomass energy industry resourcebook
NR 7.8:B615 Biomass energy industry sourcebook /
NR 7.8:S 724 Source reduction manual for businesses, institutions, and residents /
NR 7.9: Illinois recycled materials market directory.
NR 7.10:87/03 Directory of Illinois recycling centers.
NR 7.10:87/04 Directory of Illinois recycling centers.
NR 7.10:89/03 A Homeowner's guide to recycling yard wastes : how to improve the health and quality of your yard and garden by using grass clippings, leaves [and] wood chips.
NR 7.10:89/03/rev. A Homeowner's guide to recycling yard wastes : how to improve the health and quality of your yard and garden by using grass clippings, leaves [and] wood chips.
NR 7.10:89/04 Illinois scrap tire management study /
NR 7.10:89/05 Solid waste management programs and services.
NR 7.10:89/06 Municipal solid waste management options /
NR 7.10:89/07 Suppliers of degradable bags
NR 7.10:89/09 Management strategies for landscape waste : collection, composting, marketing.
NR 7.10:89/10 Sources of recycled paper.
NR 7.10:89/10/991 Sources of recycled paper, June 1991
NR 7.10:89/11 Landscape waste collection and processing equipment.
NR 7.10:89/12 Recycling market development program guidelines.
NR 7.10:89/13 Composting municipal solid waste.
NR 7.10:89/15 Recycling grant results : a summary of round 2 grants conducted from June 1988 - August 1989 under the Illinois Solid Waste Management Act.
NR 7.10:89/16 Test program results, recycled computer continuous stock forms.
NR 7.10:90/01 Geographic information systems (GIS) solid waste management facilities site screening.
NR 7.10:90/03 Waste reduction guide for Illinois schools.
NR 7.10:90/04 Illinois solid waste legislation, 1985-1989.
NR 7.10:90/05 Landscape waste collection containers and processing equipment.
NR 7.10:90/06 Summary of funding programs for solid waste management.
NR 7.10:90/07 Directory of Illinois lead-acid battery recycling facilities.
NR 7.10:90/08 Solid waste : from problems to solutions : a teacher's handbook on waste reduction.
NR 7.10:90/10 Guide for recyclers of plastics packaging in Illinois /
NR 7.10:91/01 Clip art : a collection of waste reduction graphics.
NR 7.10:91/03 Final report of the Degradable Plastics Task Force.
NR 7.10:91/04 Wood waste disposal in Illinois /
NR 7.10:91/05 Recycling grants awarded January 1991.
NR 7.10:91/06 Landscape waste collection and processing equipment : manufacturers and suppliers of degradable bags.
NR 7.10:91/08 Program services and funding summary for solid waste management.
NR 7.10:91/09 Office paper recycling guide.
NR 7.10:91/12 Test program results, recycled computer continuous stock forms.
NR 7.10:93/02 Evaluation of the use of rubber modified asphalt concrete pavement in the State of Illinois /
NR 7.11 Recycling update
NR 7.12 The three R's
NR 8.2:A 181 Analysis of acid rain control alternatives /
NR 8.2:A298 Understanding air conditioning systems for better energy efficiency : operations and maintenance procedures for utility cost control /
NR 8.2:P 476 The Pests and Weather Project /
NR 8.2:S634 Municipal sludge management : planning and policy options /
NR 9.2:A648 Managing discarded major applicances : current practice, regulation, and training /
NR 9.2:C738 Municipal solid waste composting : technologies, health effects, effects on plant growth and yield, regulations, and descriptions of U.S. sites /
NR 9.2:C764 Construction and demolition waste : generation, regulation, practices, processing, and policies /
NR 9.2:M966/ Municipal solid waste landfills /
NR 9.2:M966/2 Municipal solid waste incineration with energy recovery : technologies, facilities, and vendors for less than 550 tons per day /
NR 9.2:O39 Used oil management in Illinois /
NR 9.2:R 311 The recycling of municipal solid waste : issues for Illinois communities /
NR 9.2:R 948 Case studies in rural recycling /
NR 9.2:T255 Technological and economic evaluation of municipal solid waste incineration /
NR 9.2:U58 University and college solid waste reduction and recycling /
NR 9.2:Y 27 Yard waste programs : existing regulations, collection, composting, compost characteristics and land application /
NR 9.9: Solid waste management newsletter.
NR 9.9: Solid waste management.
NR 9.9: Solid waste management newsletter.
NR 9.10 Catalog of solid waste management video resources
NR 9.10:990-91 1990-91 catalog of solid waste video resources.
NR 9.11: Office of Solid Waste Research special newsletter.
NR 10.2:T 775 All "trashed" out : an activity guide to solid waste management for grades K-6.
NR 10.9:94/08 Recycled and reused products.
NR 10.9:89/12 Recycling : market development guidelines.
NR 10.9:91/02 Waste paper dealers.
NR 10.9:91/05 Recycling grants awarded July 1993.
NR 10.9:91/06 Landscape waste collection and processing equipment manufacturers.
NR 10.9:91/08 Program services and funding summary for solid waste management.
NR 10.9:91/10 Office and commercial waste reduction : a how-to guide for Illinois businesses and organizations /
NR 10.9:91/14 Solid waste videos : a teacher's guide to selected videotapes on solid waste management /
NR 10.9:91/15 Recycle our available resources : grades 4-8 /
NR 10.9:91/16 TDF : report on test burning of tire-derived fuel in solid fuel combustors /
NR 10.9:91/18 Plastics in perspective.
NR 10.9:91/19 Residential recycling : curbside options : a guide for Illinois communities /
NR 10.9:91/20 Markets for old newspapers.
NR 10.9:91/21-992 References.
NR 10.9:91/22 Actions speak! (louder than words) : the social and environmental impact of solid waste /
NR 10.9:92/01 Illinois success stories in waste reduction : do the right thing! : reduce, reuse, recycle.
NR 10.9:92/03 Preliminary report of the market development task force.
NR 10.9:92/04 Recycled Newsprint Use Act report /
NR 10.9:92/04(93) Recycled Newsprint Use Act report /
NR 10.9:92/05 Animal bedding fact sheet.
NR 10.9:92/06 Feasibility study for the implementation of consumer dry cell battery recycling as an alternative to disposal : getting a charge out of the wastestream /
NR 10.9:92/06(A) Feasibility study for the implementation of consumer dry cell battery recycling as an alternative to disposal : getting a charge out of the wastestream /
NR 10.9:92/08 Landscape waste facilities.
NR 10.9:92/09 Results of Illinois' statewide compost study /
NR 10.9:92/11 Recommendations for a used oil recovery program in Illinois /
NR 10.9:92/12 Textbook reuse and recycling guide.
NR 10.9:92/12/993 Textbook reuse and recycling guide.
NR 10.9:92/12/994 Textbook reuse and recycling guide.
NR 10.9:92/13 Local solid waste and recycling officials directory /
NR 10.9:93/03 Advisory Task Force on Developing Markets for Recyclable Materials : final report.
NR 10.9:93/04 Benefits of applying raw and winter aged leaves to corn and soybean cropland : final report /
NR 10.9:93/05 Summary of Illinois statutes and mandates regarding recycled product procurement.
NR 10.9:93/06 Illinois recycled products guide.
NR 10.9:93/07 Report on activities under the Solid Waste Management Act (P.A. 84-1319) /
NR 10.9:93/09 Used tire Act : (P.A.86-452) /
NR 10.9:93/10 Volume-based garbage collection fees : the Illinois experience /
NR 10.9:94/03 Final report of the Illinois Battery Task Force.
NR 10.9:94/05 Illinois foodwaste composting pilot project.
NR 10.9:94/07 Quantity based disposal fees manual /
NR 10.10 The three R's WorldCat
NR 10.11 Recycling update WorldCat
NR 10.12: PIE directory.
NR 11.11: Illinois Natural History Survey special publication
NR 11.11:2 Landscape ecology : directions and approaches : a workshop held at Allerton Park, Piatt County, Illinois, April 1983 /
NR 11.11:3 A directory of Illinois systematists and ecologists /
NR 11.11:3/989 A directory of Illinois systematists, ecologists, and field biologists /
NR 11.11:4 A review of the problem of lead poisoning in waterfowl /
NR 11.11:6 The Natural resources of Illinois : introduction and guide /
NR 11.11:7 Microlepidoptera from the Sandy Creek and Illinois River Region : an annotated checklist of the suborders Dacnonypha, Monotrysia, and Ditrysia (in part) (Insecta) /
NR 11.11:9 Legacy of a pest : a science, technology, and society curriculum guide for understanding and dealing with biological problems /
NR 11.11:10 Forbes Biological Station : the past and the promise /
NR 11.11:12 A Compendium of information on tree health care including diseases, insects, weeds, and cultural practices /
NR 11.11:13 Biodiversity in Illinois : activities for young people
NR 11.11:15 Wetland resources of Illinois : an analysis and atlas /