DC 1.1:
Annual report /
DC 1.1/2:
Annual report /
DC 1.2:C 236
Adult correctional center capacity survey /
DC 1.2:C 236/2
Adult correctional center capacity survey II /
DC 1.2:C 824/2
New horizons in corrections
DC 1.2:C 824/4
Facts about a medium security correctional center.
DC 1.2:C 824/974
Fact sheet
DC 1.2:C 824/975
Fact sheet
DC 1.2:P 438
A performance review /
DC 1.2:P 831
Adult prison population projections : fiscal years 1985 through 1994 /
DC 1.2:P 831/2
FY89 - FY98 adult prison population projection /
DC 1.2:P 831/3
Population projections : special report /
DC 1.2:P 831/3
Population projections : special report /
DC 1.2:P 831/4
Fiscal year 1991 adult population projections update : May 1991 policy implications /
DC 1.2:P 923
[Response to Senate Resolution 1250 directing an investigation of inmate pregnancies at the Logan Correctional Center].
DC 1.2:R 57
Testimony by Arthur V. Huffman, state criminologist, Illinois Department of Corrections, before the New York City Commission on Human Rights, at the New York University Law Center, 25 May 1972
DC 1.2:W 872
Women and children residential program feasibility study /
DC 1.5:J 25/2
County jail standards, State of Illinois, June 1977 (proposed revision April 1979).
DC 1.5:J 25/2/997
Illinois county jail standards : effective January 1, 1997 / Department of Corrections.
DC 1.5:J 25/3
Chapter 75 - Illinois Revised Statutes : (proposed revisions April 1979)
DC 1.5:J 25/971
Municipal jail and lockup standards
DC 1.5:J 25/979
Municipal jail and lockup standards, State of Illinois, proposed revisions, April 1979.
DC 1.5:J 97
County juvenile detention standards, State of Illinois, December 1977 (proposed revision, April 1979).
DC 1.6:C 824/
Administrative regulations
DC 1.6:C 824/2
Administrative regulations
DC 1.6:M 966/
Illinois municipal jail and lockup standards effective ...
DC 1.6:P 964
Standards for program services
DC 1.6/2:
Title 20, corrections, criminal justice, law enforcement.
DC 1.8:P 95
Sentencing problems and remedies of sentenced prisoners; a handbook for Illinois state prisoners
DC 1.9:
Corrections in Illinois.
DC 1.9/2:
DC 1.10:
Dimensions in corrections.
DC 1.11
New horizons in detention
DC 1.12
Telephone directory
DC 1.13:1981-1982
Plan for human services /
DC 1.13:1981-1986
Illinois human services data report /
DC 1.13:1985-1988
Illinois human services plan /
DC 1.13:1989
Illinois Department of Corrections human services plan.
DC 1.13:1989/90-
Human services plan /
DC 1.13:19798
Plan for correction services /
DC 1.14:
Quarterly report.
DC 1.14/2:
Quarterly report to the legislature : Adult and juvenile facilities.
DC 1.14/3:
Quarterly report /
DC 1.15:
Illinois Correctional Industries annual report to the General Assembly /
DC 1.15:
Annual report /
DC 1.15:1990
DC 1.15:1991
Illinois correctional industries annual report.
DC 1.16
Conference and seminar bulletin
DC 1.17:
Statistical presentation /
DC 1.17:
Statistical presentation.
DC 1.18:
Insight into corrections.
DC 1.19:
Impact incarceration program : annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly /
DC 1.20:
Five-year plan for female inmates /
Five-year plan for female inmates : fiscal year update.
DC 1.21:
Earned time program : annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly /
DC 1.22:
Financial impact statement.
DC 1.23:
DOC report /
DC 1.24:
Annual report for supplemental sentence credit