PA 1.1:
Annual report.
PA 1.1:
Annual report.
PA 1.1/2:
Medical Assistance Program annual report.
PA 1.1/2:
Medical Assistance Program annual report.
PA 1.1/3:
Annual report on long term care.
PA 1.1/4:
Annual report, Medical Assistance Program/Long term care.
PA 1.1/5:
Project Chance ... annual report.
PA 1.1/6:
Welfare to work : employment and training programs : annual report.
PA 1.2:A 148
Ability is the key ... not disability.
PA 1.2:A 26/
State supplemental payments to the aged, blind, or disabled.
PA 1.2:A 267
Report on aging,
PA 1.2:A 854
Strategic plan for addressing asthma in Illinois : report to the Illinois General Assembly.
PA 1.2:A239
Adolescent parent outreach follow-up survey /
PA 1.2:A641
El derecho de apelar y recibir una vista imparcial.
PA 1.2:C 271
Something to think about ... a career of challenge and opportunity with the Illinois Department of Public Aid
PA 1.2:C 85
Don't be turned off. [Brochure].
PA 1.2:C 97
In-service training curriculum for caseworkers and supervisors.
PA 1.2:C536
Report on expedited administrative and quasi-judicial processes for enforcement of child support in Illinois /
PA 1.2:C536/3
Report to the General Assembly : Child Care Programs, Illinois Department of Public Aid, fiscal year 1994.
PA 1.2:C733/SPAN
El programa de sellos de comida esta disponible a todas las personas sin tomar en cuenta la raza, edad, sexo, incapacidad, origen nacional o creencias politicas.
PA 1.2:C737
How and why to place a computer in your nursing home /
PA 1.2:D 79/975
Changes in drug program effective August 1, 1975
PA 1.2:E64
Equal employment opportunity is for everybody.
PA 1.2:E64/2
Oportunidad de igualdad en empleo es para todos.
PA 1.2:F 686
Food stamps help you : buy more food, pay less money.
PA 1.2:F 686/2
Food stamps : check out /
PA 1.2:F 686/3
Illinois emergency food and shelter program.
PA 1.2:F 853
Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act
PA 1.2:F619
Flexible work plan to reduce child care/elder care outside the home : Public Act 87-552.
PA 1.2:G 943/SPANISH
Guia al programa de obligacion de pago de "Medicaid."
PA 1.2:H 434
Good health for kids--MEDICHEK.
PA 1.2:H434/2
Report to the General Assembly on implementation of integrated health care Mediplan Plus.
PA 1.2:H765
Report to the Governor and to the General Assembly, State of Illinois.
PA 1.2:H828
Recommendations concerning hospital add-on payments.
PA 1.2:I15/2
Evaluation of the Illinois Competitive Access and Reimbursement Equity (ICARE) Program : [executive summary] /
PA 1.2:I33
Report to the General Assembly on Implementation and Progress of Public Act 88-342.
PA 1.2:I33/2
Report to the Governor and the General Assembly on Public Act 88-493 : immunizations.
PA 1.2:K 46
KidCare : something to grow on : status report.
PA 1.2:L514
Legislative SB 10 update.
PA 1.2:M489
Long term care services under Medicaid.
PA 1.2:M666
The Minority Opportunity Development Program : a chance to realize and develop your potential.
PA 1.2:P 228
The Young parents program-- : a better future for you and your child.
PA 1.2:P 451
Permanent assignment of aides to nursing home residents /
PA 1.2:P 964/2
Education and training programs
PA 1.2:P 964/3
Breakthrough 73.
PA 1.2:P 964/5
Project Chance--Exchange
PA 1.2:P 965
Go for the help you need.
PA 1.2:P 976
The story of public aid in Illinois : how it started, how it developed, where it is now, and a look ahead.
PA 1.2:P 976/2
Go for the help you need : public aid programs in Illinois.
PA 1.2:P965
Project Chance : not just a check-- a chance for a job with a future.
PA 1.2:T258
Report to the General Assembly on Programs for Teen Parents.
PA 1.2:W 446
Illinois consolidated standard plan
PA 1.2:W445
Welfare reform recommendations /
PA 1.2:W446/4
The Welfare Reform Demonstration Project : description and analysis, July 1978 to June 1980 /
PA 1.5:P 976
The Illinois Public Aid Code : as amended
PA 1.8:A 172/
Guide to minimum accounting requirements for Title XX service providers
PA 1.8:D 677
Handbook for the implementation and management of the FY'82 donated funds initiative
PA 1.8:D 79/975
Revisions in drug manual
PA 1.8:F853
Freedom of Information Act procedures.
PA 1.8:F853/996
Freedom of Information Act procedures.
PA 1.8:L811
Local office performance indicators : system handbook.
PA 1.8:P964
Project Chance handbook : AFDC.
PA 1.8:S 67
Handbook for title XX training
PA 1.9
Public aid in Illinois
PA 1.10
Monthly exhibits
PA 1.11
PA 1.11/2:
Proposed State of Illinois comprehensive annual services plan for program year ...
PA 1.14:
PA 1.20
DPA [use no./year]
PA 1.20:124/
Food stamp program
PA 1.20:124-A/
Right now ... with food stamps : how many food stamps can you get?.
PA 1.20:357
Homemaker service : a practical way to help people in their own homes
PA 1.20:377/
The right to appeal and to receive a fair hearing.
PA 1.20:512/985
Family planning.
PA 1.20:512/988
Family planning
PA 1.20:512S/989
Planificación de familia.
PA 1.20:586/
Aid to families with dependent children.
PA 1.20:586S/
Ayuda a familias con niños dependientes.
PA 1.20:587/
Aid to the aged, blind and disabled (AABD).
PA 1.20:591/989
Medical assistance through Medicaid.
PA 1.20:591S/
Ayuda medica a traves de "Medicaid."
PA 1.20:591S LTC
Servicios de cuidado de largo plazo bajo "Medicaid."
PA 1.20:591SP
Your guide to MANG spend-down.
PA 1.20:591SPS
MANG spend-down : su guia al programa de mang con obligacion de pago.
PA 1.20:592/
Public aid and civil rights.
PA 1.20:592S/989
Ayuda publica y derechos civiles.
PA 1.20:1123/989
Healthy kids : good health for children and teens.
PA 1.20:1124/977
PA 1.20:1206
Affirmative action is for everybody.
PA 1.20:1283BS/989
Programa de cumplimiento de sustento de ninõs-- : para los que no reciben ayuda.
PA 1.20:1369
Prepaid health plan : a new health care program offered by the Illinois Department of Public Aid.
PA 1.20:1393/975
Drug manual amendment
PA 1.20:1759/989
Child support enforcement program.
PA 1.20:1759S/988
Programa de cumplimiento de sustento
PA 1.20:2084/984
You can find a job : WIN demonstration program.
PA 1.20:2207
In-home care supportive services.
PA 1.20:2365/981
What is the Department's policy on Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973?.
PA 1.20:2402/982
The general assistance jobs program.
PA 1.20:2463/983
Let's talk about your medical needs : Illinois Medical Assistance Program.
PA 1.20:2573/989
Applying for general assistance.
PA 1.20:2624/984
IWEP : working together makes IWEP work.
PA 1.20:2853/987
Medical assistance through the aid to the medically indigent program.
PA 1.20:2871/987
ICARE : a new way for you to get quality hospital care.
PA 1.20:2917
Family planning
PA 1.20:2942S/989
PA 1.20:2946G/988
The healthy kids program : a chance that lasts a lifetime
PA 1.20:2951/988
IDPA is committed to quality long term care.
PA 1.20:3022/988
I got a job! But now what happens?.
PA 1.20:3032/988
Establishing your child's paternity.
PA 1.20:3087/988
TDD, telecommunications devices for the deaf : a new way to communicate.
PA 1.20:3087/989
TDD directory : a new way to communicate.
PA 1.20:3151/988
Ensuring a child's birthright : an Illinois employers' guide to income withholding /
PA 1.20:3160/989
Your chance to be in charge : and get off welfare into a job.
PA 1.20:3210/989
The Illinois Department of Public Aid is here to help you.
PA 1.21:985-87/PT.I
1987 plan for Department of Public Aid : part 1, data report, fiscal years 1985, 1986 and 1987.
PA 1.21:988/PT.2
Illinois human services plan, v.2, 1988 : part 2, Project Chance policy paper, fiscal years 1986, 1987 and 1988.
PA 1.21:994
The human services plan : fiscal years 1994-1995-1996.
PA 1.21:998/2000
The human services plan : fiscal years 1998-1999-2000 /
PA 1.22:
A report on the Title XX donated funds initiative for fiscal year.
PA 1.23
State of Illinois proposed Title XX comprehensive social services program plan for program period ...
PA 1.23/2
Comprehensive social services program plan, Title XX
PA 1.24:
State of Illinois Title XX social services block grant, pre-expenditure report.
PA 1.25
Title XX FY ... performance review
PA 1.26:
Annual report /
PA 1.27:
A Report on projected expenditures for the Title XX social services block grant /
PA 1.27:1982/83
State of Illinois report on projected expenditures for the Title XX social services block grant.
PA 1.28:
State of Illinois report on Title XX social services block grant expenditures.
PA 1.29
PA 1.30:
Annual report on long term care.
PA 1.31:
Family /
PA 1.32:
Child support enforcement program.
PA 1.33:
Homeless shelter program, fiscal year ... report to the General Assembly.
PA 1.33/2:
Illinois Emergency Shelter Program, fiscal year ... report to the General Assembly.
PA 1.33/3:
Report to the General Assembly /
PA 1.34:
A Report on expenditures for the Title XX social services block grant /
PA 1.35
New horizons in long term care [cutter by subject]
PA 1.35:A 164
New horizons in long term care: a report on the long term care research and demonstration projects.
PA 1.35:A478
Alzheimer's disease family care center : final report /
PA 1.35:A478/3
An evaluation of the training program: "The Alzheimer's disease afflicted: understanding the disease and the resident" /
PA 1.35:A478/4
The Alzheimer disease afflicted : understandigng the disease and the resident instructors guide and teaching materials /
PA 1.35:A848
Permanent assignment of aides to nursing home residents : final report /
PA 1.35:B419
Behavioral therapies for urinary incontinence in aged female nursing home residents /
PA 1.35:B598
Automated nursing home billing system final project report /
PA 1.35:C271
Care planning, quality assurance, and personnel management in long-term care facilities : final report /
PA 1.35:C277
Caring touch training manual /
PA 1.35:C337
Case management/facility management /
PA 1.35:C337/2
Case managed care planning : a research and demonstration project : educational program /
PA 1.35:C337/3
Case managed care planning : a research and demonstration project : final report /
PA 1.35:C337/4
Case management/facility management : evaluation of integrated information system /
PA 1.35:D794
Reducing the incidence of inappropriate drug therapy and drug costs in long-term care facilities /
PA 1.35:E 37
Project elder find : final report of phase I /
PA 1.35:E 37/2
Project Elder Find "how to" manuals : family support manual, pharmacy review manual, patient assessment and care planning manual /
PA 1.35:E 37/3
Project elder find : multidomain assessment in long term care : final report of phase II /
PA 1.35:F 198
Partners in care : involving residents' families in the nursing home life : a resource and guidebook /
PA 1.35:F686
Food service training project /
PA 1.35:G369
Activity programming for geriatric residents of Illinois nursing homes : an analysis of quality in QUIP and non-QUIP activity programs /
PA 1.35:I36
An incentive program for nurse aides implementation report : description and evaluation /
PA 1.35:L849
New horizons in long term care: a report on the long term care research and demonstration projects.
PA 1.35:M549
Enhancing the quality of care for chronically mentally ill residents of long term care /
PA 1.35:N 974/2
The care planning process in nursing homes /
PA 1.35:N974/3
Quality assurance in nursing homes /
PA 1.35:P 467
Personnel management in nursing homes /
PA 1.35:Q1
Exemplars of quality : the paths to excellence in quality nursing homes /
PA 1.35:Q1/2
Quality of life nursing care : a research and demonstration project /
PA 1.35:T956
Turnover analysis manual /
PA 1.36:
Project Chance, report to the General Assembly /
PA 1.37:
Affirmative action FY ... for equal employment opportunity.
PA 1.38:
Report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the Healthy moms/Healthy kids program.
PA 1.39:
Biennial report /
PA 1.40:
Domestic violence services and prevention program fiscal year ... annual report /
PA 1.41:
Report to the General Assembly on implementation of integrated health care Mediplan Plus.
PA 1.42:
Report to the General Assembly, child care programs, Illinois Department of Public Aid.
PA 1.43:
Annual report : Child Support Enforcement Program /
PA 1.44:
The IDPA messenger.
PA 1.45:
Open lines : news for our judicial partners in Illinois.