The Nakata-Strange Classification System

as employed at Northeastern Illinois University

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LE 5

Division of Fire Prevention (Department of Law Enforcement)

List of titles published by this agency:

Titles in italics are not in the NEIU catalog. Titles in small caps are monographic series; titles within this series may be listed below. Titles where the OCLC number is known are linked to WorldCat search.

LE 5.1: Annual report
LE 5.5:G 24/ Liquefied petroleum gases; laws, rules and regulations relating to the storage, transportation, sale and use of liquefied petroleum gases, and the use of liquefied petroleum gas containers
LE 5.5:G 24/2/971 Gasoline and volatile oils: the law, rules and regulations relating to the storage, transportation, sale and use of gasoline and volatile oils, and the law prescribing the color and label for gasoline or benzol receptacles.
LE 5.6:F 523 Illinois rules and regulations for fire prevention and safety.