EP 3.2:A 512
An intensive survey of the American Bottoms Basin, 1984 /
EP 3.2:A 521
Ammonia limits on lagoon effluents.
EP 3.2:A 781
Arsenic in Drinking Water Rule.
EP 3.2:B 299
Baseline loadings of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments from Illinois watersheds : October 1980 - September 1996 /
EP 3.2:B 356
An intensive survey of the Bay Creek Watershed, July 1992 /
EP 3.2:B 368
An intensive survey of Bear Creek in West-Central Illinois, August-September, 1992 /
EP 3.2:B 592
An intensive survey of the Big Muddy main stem from Rend Lake to the Mississippi River /
EP 3.2:B 592/2
An intensive survey of the Big Muddy River Basin : summer 1995 /
EP 3.2:B 592/2/2000
An intensive survey of the Big Muddy River Basin : data summary, summer 2000 /
EP 3.2:B 592/3
An intensive survey of the Big Bureau Creek watershed : 1990 /
EP 3.2:B 615
Biological and water quality survey of the Carroll Creek Watershed, Carroll County, Illinois, 1987-1988.
EP 3.2:B 615/2
Biological Stream Characterization (BSC) : a biological assessment of Illinois stream quality : a report of the Illinois Biological Stream Characterization Work Group.
EP 3.2:B 615/2/993
Biological stream characterization (BSC) : biological assessment of Illinois stream quality through 1993 /
EP 3.2:B 615/3
Biological and water quality survey of three tributaries to the Sangamon River : South Fork basin, Mosquito Creek and Long Point Slough, September thru November, 1989 : Staff Report /
EP 3.2:B 658/ph.2
Water resource data and trend analysis for the Blue Creek watershed project : Pike County, Illinois, phase II
EP 3.2:B 658/ph.3
Water resource data and trend analysis for the Blue Creek watershed project : Pike County, Illinois, phase III
EP 3.2:C 119
An intensive survey of the Cache River Basin, summer 1992 /
EP 3.2:C 119/2
An intensive survey of the Cache River Basin, data summary : summer 1999 /
EP 3.2:C 357
Summaries of categorical pretreatment standards /
EP 3.2:C 389
Cedar Creek TMDL report /
EP 3.2:C 44
Nationwide urban runoff project, Champaign, Illinois : summary of Illinois street sweeping cost data /
EP 3.2:C 477
Charleston Side Channel Reservoir Total Maximum Daily Load report, Coles County, Illinois /
EP 3.2:C 614
Classification/needs assessment of Illinois lakes for protection, restoration, and management /
EP 3.2:C 623
Clean Water Act section 303(d) list : Illinois' submittal for 1998.
EP 3.2:C 623/2
Illinois Clean Lakes Program : (ICLP).
EP 3.2:C 623/2002
Illinois 2002 Section 303(d) list.
EP 3.2:C 623/2004
Illinois 2004 section 303 (d) list /
EP 3.2:C 623/998
Clean Water Act section 303(d) list : Illinois submittal for 1998.
EP 3.2:C 734
H2O : a report from the Council : Working together to serve you better : Community Water Supply Testing Program.
EP 3.2:C 734/2004
H2O : a report from the Council : Working together to serve you better : Community Water Supply Testing Program.
EP 3.2:C 745
The condition of Illinois water resources, 1972-1994.
EP 3.2:C 745/972-96
The condition of Illinois water resources, 1972-1996.
EP 3.2:C 755
Conservation 2000 update /
EP 3.2:D 469
An intensive survey of the Des Plaines River Basin from the Wisconsin state line to Joliet, Illinois, 1983-1984.
EP 3.2:D 929
An intensive survey of the DuPage River Basin, 1983.
EP 3.2:E 11
An intensive survey of the Eagle Creek Basin, Saline and Gallatin counties, Illinois, 1986-1987 /
EP 3.2:E 26
An intensive survey of the Edwards River and Pope Creek, 1991 /
EP 3.2:E 43
An Intensive survey of the Elkhorn Creek Basin, 1985 : staff report /
EP 3.2:E 53
An intensive survey of the Embarras River Basin, 1987 /
EP 3.2:E 53/996
An intensive survey of the Embarras River Basin, 1996 : staff report /
EP 3.2:E 92
Evaluation of Illinois stream sediment data, 1974-1980 /
EP 3.2:F 23
Economic and physical impacts on individual farm management units under alternative management scenarios in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois
EP 3.2:F 491
Financial records management of a construction grant project.
EP 3.2:F 491/2
Financial records management of grant/loan projects.
EP 3.2:F 793
An intensive survey of the Fox River Basin from the Wisconsin State line to Ottawa, Illinois, 1982 /
EP 3.2:G 721
Governor Bond Lake, Greenville, Bond County, Illinois, total maximum daily load report /
EP 3.2:G 751
A water quality survey of the Grand Calumet River from the Indiana State line to Burnham, Illinois : the Grand Calumet River portion of segment A-12 Des Plaines/Lake Michigan Basins, April-August, 1978.
EP 3.2:F 762
Financial records management of a construction grant project.
EP 3.2:G 882
Policy forum on Regional Groundwater Protection Programs, October 29, 1998 /
EP 3.2:G 882/2
Groundwater Protection Program.
EP 3.2:G 975
An investigation of Lake Michigan sediment at the Lincoln Park Gun Club, Chicago, Illinois /
EP 3.2:H 496
An intensive survey of the Henderson Creek Basin, 1994 /
EP 3.2:H 638
Water resource data and preliminary trend analysis for the Highland Silver Lake monitoring and evaluation project : Madison County, Illinois, phase II
EP 3.2:H 638/2
Field modelling in the Highland Silver Lake watershed /
EP 3.2:H 638/3
Water resource data and preliminary trend analysis for the Highland Silver Lake monitoring and evaluation project : Madison County, Illinois, phase III
EP 3.2:H 638/4
Water resource data and trend analysis for the Highland Silver Lake comprehensive monitoring and evaluation project : Madison County, Illinois, phase IV
EP 3.2:I 29
Illinois' Source Water Assessment Program.
EP 3.2:I 292
An intensive survey of Illinois River and its tributaries : a comparison study of 1967 and 1978 stream conditions /
EP 3.2:I 39
An intensive survey of the Indian Creek Basin, 1992 /
EP 3.2:K 19
An intensive survey of the Kaskaskia River Basin, 1982-83 /
EP 3.2:K 19/2
An intensive survey of the Kaskaskia River Basin : data summary, summer 1996 and 1997 /
EP 3.2:K 19/3
East Fork Kaskaskia River (ILOK01) : TDML and implementation plan /
EP 3.2:K 192
A water quality investigation of the Crooked Creek Basin (Kaskaskia River Basin Segment A-02), July - August 1978
EP 3.2:K 61
A biological investigation of the Kishwaukee River and its tributaries (segment A-02 of the Rock River Basin), April-July, 1976
EP 3.2:K 61/2
An intensive survey of the Kishwaukee River and its tributaries, 1983.
EP 3.2:K 99
An intensive survey of the Kyte River Basin, 1984.
EP 3.2:L 192/
Assessment and classification of Illinois lakes /
EP 3.2:L 192/2
Clean Lakes Program phase II project : report for Lake Le-Aqua-Na, Stephenson County, Illinois /
EP 3.2:L 192/2/2002
Lake Education Assistance Program (LEAP).
EP 3.2:L 192/3
Lake water quality assessment program : northeastern Illinois lakes /
EP 3.2:L 192/3/993
Lake water quality assessment program, 1993 : northeastern Illinois lakes /
EP 3.2:L 192/3/995
Lake water quality assessment program, 1995 : northeastern Illinois lakes /
EP 3.2:L 192/4
Lake water quality assessment grant : final report /
EP 3.2:L 192/5
Lake water quality assessment program : southern Illinois lakes /
EP 3.2:L 192/6
Lake Education Assistance Program application package /
EP 3.2:L 192/7
Lake Education Assistance Program (LEAP) /
EP 3.2:L 233
An intensive survey of the Lamoine River Basin, 1988 /
EP 3.2:L 25
A land cover inventory from space : staff report.
EP 3.2:L 434
U.S. EPA regulations have changed the focus of lead and copper monitoring.
EP 3.2:L 734
Limnology of Lake Mattoon, June-October 1979
EP 3.2:L 734/10
Limnology of Round Lake, Lake County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/11
Limnology of Cedar Lake, Lake County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/12
Limnology of Johnson Sauk Trail Lake, Henry County, Illinois : June-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/13
Limnology of Devil's Kitchen Lake : May-October 1979
EP 3.2:L 734/14
Limnology of Paradise Lake : June-October 1979
EP 3.2:L 734/15
Limnology of 63 Illinois lakes, 1979 /
EP 3.2:L 734/2
Limnology of Lake Shabbona, De Kalb County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/3
Limnology of Lake Taylorville, Christian County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/4
Limnology of Lincoln Trail Lake, Clark County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/5
Limnology of Long Lake, Lake County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/6
Limnology of Otter Lake, Macoupin County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/7
Limnology of Pittsfield City Lake, Pike County, Illinois : May-October, 1979.
EP 3.2:L 734/8
Limnology of Raccoon Lake : June-October, 1979
EP 3.2:L 734/9
Limnology of Stephen A. Forbes Lakes : May-October, 1979
EP 3.2:L 778
An intensive survey of the Little Wabash River Basin, summer 1989 /
EP 3.2:L 778/2
An intensive survey of the Little Wabash River Basin and the Lower Wabash Tributaries : data summary, summer 1996 and 1999 /
EP 3.2:L 784
Effects of livestock wastes on small Illinois streams : Lower Kaskaskia River Basin and Upper Little Wabash River Basin : summer 1991 /
EP 3.2:L 784/2
Reporting requirements for livestock waste releases in Illinois /
EP 3.2:L 785
Tax certification program for livestock waste management facilities.
EP 3.2:L 785/2
Livestock operations : Clean Water Act requirements.
EP 3.2:L 785/994
Tax certification program for livestock waste management facilities.
EP 3.2:L 795
Water pollution control loan program /
EP 3.2:L 795/2
Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP).
EP 3.2:L 795/3
Water Pollution Control Loan Program : low interest loan program /
EP 3.2:L 831
A log book of your lake.
EP 3.2:M 158
An intensive survey of the Mackinaw River Basin, 1987 /
EP 3.2:M 158/994
An intensive survey of the Mackinaw River Basin, 1994 : staff report /
EP 3.2:M 171
An assessment of CWS facilities utilizing the Macon-Christian strip aquifer in central Illinois /
EP 3.2:M 182
Soil erosion and sediment delivery in the Highland Silver Lake Watershed, Madison County, Illinois : preliminary analysis
EP 3.2:M 393
An intensive survey of the Marys River Basin, summer 1995 /
EP 3.2:M 644
The milfoil weevil /
EP 3.2:M 678
An intensive survey of the Mississippi South Central Basin : data summary : summer 1998 /
EP 3.2:M 678/2
An intensive survey of the Mississippi South Basin : data summary, summer 1999 /
EP 3.2:M 966
The Municipal wastewater assistance program.
EP 3.2:M 966/998
The Municipal Wastewater Assistance Program.
EP 3.2:N 195
Naperville Park District Sportsman's Park Trap Shooting Facility : responsiveness summary /
EP 3.2:N 814
Assessment of nonpoint source impacts on Illinois water quality.
EP 3.2:N 814/2
Illinois' nonpoint source management program report.
EP 3.2:N 814/2/2001
Illinois' Nonpoint Source Management Program.
EP 3.2:N 814/2/994
Illinois' nonpoint source management program.
EP 3.2:N 814/3
Nonpoint source water pollution.
EP 3.2:N 814/4
Nonpoint Source Pollution Program.
EP 3.2:N 814/5
Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program : Section 319(h) financial assistance application package.
EP 3.2:N 814/6
Illinois Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program : Section 319 of the U.S. Clean Water Act.
EP 3.2:O 61
Operations with common ownership, a common land application area, or a common system of waste disposal.
EP 3.2:O 89
An intensive survey of Otter Creek, Jersey County, Illinois, July, 1992 /
EP 3.2:P 363
An intensive survey of the Pecatonica River Basin, 1984-1985.
EP 3.2:P 451
Will an NPDES permit be required for my operation? : Common livestock scenarios.
EP 3.2:P 476
Pesticide monitoring : Illinois EPA's summary of results, 1985-1989 /
EP 3.2:P 83/VOLS.
Economic and demographic projections /
EP 3.2:P 958/2002
Priority Lake and Watershed Implementation Program. (PLWIP).
EP 3.2:P 976
Public water supply : low interest loan program.
EP 3.2:R 129
Radionuclide rule.
EP 3.2:R 277
Rayse Creek (ILNK01) TMDL and implementation plan /
EP 3.2:R 425
Report to the Illinois General Assembly on the issue of expanding public water supply loan eligibility to privately owned community water supplies /
EP 3.2:R 434
Restoring Illinois water quality with TMDLs.
EP 3.2:R 453
Water pollution control revolving fund : WPCRF.
EP 3.2:R 453/2
Water pollution control revolving fund : low interest wastewater treatment loan program.
EP 3.2:R 453/REV.
Water pollution control revolving fund : WPCRF.
EP 3.2:R 62
Segment ranking.
EP 3.2:R 62/2
Biological investigation of Mississippi River central and north central basins, A-01, A-02, and B-01, B-02
EP 3.2:R 682
An intensive water quality survey of the Rock River from Rockford to Byron, Illinois, May-October, 1978 /
EP 3.2:R 682/2
An intensive survey of Rock River tributaries, 1985.
EP 3.2:S 165
An intensive survey of the Saline River Basin, summer 1993 /
EP 3.2:S 165/2
An intensive survey of the Saline River/Bay Creek Basin : data summary : summer 2000 /
EP 3.2:S 225
A biological investigation of the South Fork, Sangamon River and tributaries
EP 3.2:S 448
Chemical analysis of surficial sediments from 63 Illinois lakes : summer 1979 /
EP 3.2:S 448/2
A review of the sediment delivery ratio techniques component of the Highland Silver Lake watershed project /
EP 3.2:S 479
Analysis of septic tank distribution and septage generation rates in Illinois /
EP 3.2:S 51
State grant checklists summary.
EP 3.2:S 51/2
Illinois waste water treatment facilities : municipal project priority list, FY 1977.
EP 3.2:S 534
An intensive survey of Shawnee National Forest region streams of southern Illinois, 1986-1987 /
EP 3.2:S 62
An intensive survey of the Skokie River (Segment A-01 of the Des Plaines River Basin), April-December, 1978 /
EP 3.2:S 628
An intensive survey of the Skillet Fork Basin : data summary : summer 1998 /
EP 3.2:S 683
Soil erosion and sediment transport dynamics in the Blue Creek Watershed, Pike County, Illinois
EP 3.2:S 683/987
Standards and specifications for soil erosion and sediment control.
EP 3.2:S 885
NPDES Phase II Storm Water Program.
EP 3.2:S 914
Streambank cleanup and lakeshore enhancement (SCALE), 2003.
EP 3.2:S 915
The Basics--street sweeping in Illinois
EP 3.2:S 947
An intensive survey of the Sugar Creek Basin, Crawford County, Illinois, 1986 /
EP 3.2:S 947/2
A biological and water quality survey of Sugar Creek and tributaries, Crawford County, Illinois, August-September, 1992 /
EP 3.2:S 947/3
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency responsiveness summary for : Sugar Creek Impoundment : Section 401 water quality certification for the construction of a water supply reservoir for the city of Marion.
EP 3.2:S 961
Surface water monitoring strategy, 1996-2000 /
EP 3.2:S 961/2
Surface water pesticide monitoring of Illinois streams : summary of results, 1985-1998 /
EP 3.2:T 185
Targeted watershed approach : a data driven prioritization /
EP 3.2:T 717
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program.
EP 3.2:T 755
Illinois Toxics Control Strategy and proposed water quality standards revisions /
EP 3.2:U 58
Unified watershed assessment and watershed restoration priorities for Illinois : Clean Water Action Plan, restoring and protecting America's waters.
EP 3.2:U 59
Unsewered Communities Grant Program.
EP 3.2:U 59/2002
Unsewered Communities Grant Program.
EP 3.2:U 59/2003
Unsewered Communities Grant Program.
EP 3.2:V 526
An intensive survey of the Vermilion River basin, 1985-1986 /
EP 3.2:V 526/2
An intensive survey of the Little Vermilion River as effected by seasonal variation, 1992
EP 3.2:V 526/3
An intensive survey of the Vermilion River basin, Illinois River drainage, summer 1990 /
EP 3.2:V 526/4
Biological and water quality survey of the Vermilion River, Vermilion County, Illinois, 1994 /
EP 3.2:W 32/2
Water pollution & the land
EP 3.2:W 32/3
1983 Illinois water quality management plan hearings : responsiveness summary.
EP 3.2:W 32/4
Blue Creek watershed project : executive summary and recommendations
EP 3.2:W 32/5
Water quality assessment of Governor Bond (Greenville New) Lake Bond County, Illinois : 1977-1982.
EP 3.2:W 32/6
Water quality assessment of Washington County Lake, Washington County, Illinois : 1977-1982.
EP 3.2:W 32/7
Illinois water data catalog report /
EP 3.2:W 32/8
Illinois water quality : summary of comparative survey.
EP 3.2:W 32/9
The Illinois water quality management plan /
EP 3.2:W 323
Wastewater treatment systems : vulnerability and security.
EP 3.2:W 324
Water quality in Illinois, 1990-1991.
EP 3.2:W 324/2
Water monitoring strategy, 2002-2006.
EP 3.2:W 324/2/2007-2012
Illinois water monitoring strategy, 2007-2012.
EP 3.2:W 324/3
Waterborne pathogens.
EP 3.2:W 329
Mobilizing the watershed community : linking land, water, and people.
EP 3.2:W 329/3
"Watershed implementation plan" : guidance document.
EP 3.2:W 354
Assessment of Waukegan Harbor sediment contamination : April 1996 /
EP 3.2:W 354/2
Assessment of Waukegan Harbor macroinvertebrates /
EP 3.2:W 539
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for the State of Illinois /
EP 3.2:W 567
When should I apply for a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permit?.
EP 3.2:Z 41
Zebra mussel sampling with the IEPA.
EP 3.6:C 418
Procedures for the certification of operators of wastewater treatment works : draft of proposed regulations.
EP 3.6:L 17
Level of treatment required using lagoon systems to meet effluent standards for BOD/TSS : as prescribed in Chapter 3, Water pollution regulations of Illinois : memorandum to all consulting engineers
EP 3.6:P 712
Requirements for plans of operation and operation and maintenance manuals.
EP 3.6:S 51/2/
Criteria for determining construction grant priorities for municipal sewage treatment works needs ...
EP 3.6:S 51/3
Procedure for making State of Illinois sewage facility grants from the Anti-pollution Bond Act for fiscal years 1975 & 1976.
EP 3.8:B 615
User's guide to IBI-AIBI, version 2.01 : (a BASIC program for computing the Index of Biotic Integrity with the IBM-PC) /
EP 3.8:C 257
Your car (or truck) and the environment : an environmental guide for owners and drivers of cars, vans, trucks and other motor vehicles.
EP 3.8:G 76
Checklist summary : checklist of supplemental information required to complete grant applications under the provisions of the Illinois anti-pollution bond act and the federal water pollution control act, as amended.
EP 3.8:L 192/7/STUDENT
Hands on lake ecology : student workbook.
EP 3.8:L 192/7/STUDENT/2005
Hands on lake ecology : student workbook.
EP 3.8:L 912/2/Teacher
Hands on lake ecology : teachers guide.
EP 3.8:L 912/2/TEACHER/2005
Hands on lake ecology : teachers guide.
EP 3.8:T 717
Total maximum daily loads : a citizen's guide.
EP 3.8:W 32
A manual of simplified laboratory methods for operators of wastewater treatment facilities
EP 3.8:W 32/2
Citizen's guide to clean water planning in Illinois.
EP 3.8:Z 41
Zebra mussel alert! and guide to boaters.
EP 3.10
Water quality network, summary of data
EP 3.11
Summary of applications processed.
EP 3.12
Summary of permits granted.
EP 3.13:
Water pollution control plan, federal fiscal year.
EP 3.13:978-2
Final Water pollution control program : Federal fiscal year 1978. July, 1977.
EP 3.13:978-985
Final water pollution control program plan /
EP 3.13:986-
Water pollution control program plan /
EP 3.13/2:
Preliminary water pollution control program plan /
EP 3.13/3:
Water pollution control program plan responsiveness summary, fiscal year ...
EP 3.14
Wastewater treatment facilities municipal project priority list
EP 3.15
WPC Technical Policy
EP 3.15:20-24
Design criteria, waste treatment plants and treatment of sewer overflow.
EP 3.16
Water quality management basin plan, phase I
EP 3.16:B 592/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Big Muddy River Basin.
EP 3.16:D 44/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Des Plaines River/Lake Michigan.
EP 3.16:F 79/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Fox River Basin.
EP 3.16:I 292/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Illinois River Basin.
EP 3.16:K 16/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Kankakee River Basin.
EP 3.16:K 192/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Kaskaskia River Basin.
EP 3.16:M 67/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Mississippi South River Basin.
EP 3.16:M 67/2/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Mississippi South Central River Basin.
EP 3.16:M 67/3/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Mississippi North Central River Basin.
EP 3.16:M 67/4/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Mississippi North River Basin.
EP 3.16:O 37/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Ohio River Basin.
EP 3.16:R 686/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Rock River Basin.
EP 3.16:S 225/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Sangamon River Basin.
EP 3.16:W 11/
Water quality management basin plan, phase I : Wabash River Basin.
EP 3.17
Water Quality Management Basin Plan
EP 3.18
(Map) - basin boundaries - segment boundaries
EP 3.19
Restricted status list
EP 3.20
Technical advisory
EP 3.20:3
Ammonia nitrogen removal : memorandum to all consulting engineers
EP 3.21:
State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 208 water quality management planning program.
EP 3.22
Urban stormwater management in...
EP 3.22:B 65
Urban stormwater management in Bloomington-Normal study area. : Final report.
EP 3.22:C 44
Urban stormwater management in Champaign-Urbana study area : final report.
EP 3.22:D 29
Urban stormwater management in Decatur study area : final report.
EP 3.22:K 16
Urban stormwater management in Kankakee study area : final report.
EP 3.22:P 419
Urban stormwater management in Peoria study area : final report.
EP 3.22:Q 15
Urban stormwater management in Quad Cities study area : final report.
EP 3.22:R 68
Urban stormwater management in Rockford study area : final report.
EP 3.22:S 76
Urban stormwater management in Springfield study area : final report.
EP 3.23
Volunteer lake monitoring program report for ... County, Illinois.
EP 3.23/2:1981-1984
Volunteer lake monitoring.
EP 3.23/2:1985-1988
Volunteer lake monitoring program.
EP 3.23/3:
Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program newsletter.
EP 3.23/3:
Volunteer lake monitoring program newsletter.
EP 3.23/3:
Illinois Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program newsletter.
EP 3.24:
Illinois water quality report /
EP 3.24/2:
Illinois water quality report.
EP 3.24/3:
Illinois water quality report /
EP 3.25:
The Condition of Illinois water resources /
EP 3.26:
State of Illinois Section 319 biannual report.
EP 3.27
Watershed fact sheet
EP 3.27:1
Great Lakes/Calumet River watersheds
EP 3.27:2
Des Plaines River watershed
EP 3.27:3
Upper Fox River watershed
EP 3.27:4
Lower Fox River watershed
EP 3.27:5
Kishwaukee River watershed
EP 3.27:6
Rock River watershed
EP 3.27:7
Pecatonica River watershed
EP 3.27:8
Green River watershed
EP 3.27:9
Mississippi North River watershed
EP 3.27:10
Kankakee/Iroquois River watersheds
EP 3.27:11
Upper Illinois/Mazon River watersheds
EP 3.27:12
Vermilion (Illinois) River watershed
EP 3.27:13
Middle Illinois River watershed
EP 3.27:14
Mackinaw River watershed
EP 3.27:15
Spoon River watershed
EP 3.27:16
Mississippi North Central River watershed
EP 3.27:17
La Moine River watershed
EP 3.27:18
Lower Illinois/Macoupin River watersheds /
EP 3.27:19
Mississippi Central River watershed
EP 3.27:20
Lower Sangamon River watershed
EP 3.27:21
Upper Sangamon River watershed
EP 3.27:22
Salt Creek of Sangamon River watershed
EP 3.27:23
Upper Kaskaskia River watershed
EP 3.27:24
Middle Kaskaskia/Shoal River watersheds
EP 3.27:25
Lower Kaskaskia River watershed
EP 3.27:26
Big Muddy River watershed
EP 3.27:27
Mississippi South Central River watershed
EP 3.27:28
Mississippi South River watershed
EP 3.27:29
Vermilion (Wabash) River watershed
EP 3.27:30
Embarras/Middle Wabash River watersheds
EP 3.27:31
Little and lower Wabash/Skillet Fork River watersheds
EP 3.27:32
Saline River/Bay Creek River watersheds
EP 3.27:33
Cache River watershed
EP 3.28:
Public Water Supply Loan Program : low interest Drinking Water Loan Program /
EP 3.29:
Water watch : the Illinois EPA water resources newsletter.
EP 3.30:
Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP).
EP 3.31:
Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP).
EP 3.32:
Water Pollution Control Loan Program : low interest wastewater treatment financing.
EP 3.33:
Public Water Supply Loan Program low interest loan program.
EP 3.34:
Water Pollution Control Loan Program low interest loan program.
EP 3.35:
Illinois integrated water quality report and section 303(d) list ... : water resource assessment information and listing of impaired waters.